What Is an Uninterruptible Power Supply System?

With the recent news regarding the potential blackouts this winter, organising backup power for your business is vital. 

Any downtime caused by power outages can be financially crippling for a business or organisation. The average power cut in the UK lasts for 50 minutes. This may not sound too long, but with one hour of downtime estimated to cost a small business around £800, it can be very damaging.

Understandably, bigger organisations and companies can see higher losses from a power cut, but it is also expected that they can recover quicker too. Google lost power back in 2013, and it experienced losses of £100,000 per minute. To avoid loss of output for your business, investing in a backup solution which includes a UPS System is a good idea. But what is a UPS system?

An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) offers a continuous power supply and ensures there is no break in power when the main power source fails, or if the voltage drops to an insufficient level or surges and causes an outage.

In the event of a power outage, a UPS can provide power for a couple of minutes and up to 2 hours depending on the battery size and the electrical load it needs to support. This allows equipment to be shut down properly and safely and/or provides time for the standby generator to start up before taking the full electrical load.

UPS Power Protection for your business

From small businesses to large scale operations, uninterrupted power supplies can serve an important purpose. Power cuts can cause major issues for your equipment and productivity, but a UPS is like an insurance policy against this, keeping you online and connected, giving you time to respond to the issue before the lights go out.

To avoid the detrimental impact it can have on your business, safeguarding against outage issues with an uninterruptible power supply makes commercial sense, especially when used in tandem with a backup generator. A UPS is just one part of a reliable backup power solution. A UPS will provide a continuous power supply for a short amount of time and can bridge the gap whilst the generator starts up. Once the generator is ready and can take the full electrical load, the generator will be able to provide power for 72 hours or more.

For some businesses having 15 mins to 2 hours of UPS backup power is sufficient, however for businesses that cannot afford down time, a generator is a viable option. Click here to see more information on the difference between generators and UPS.

Uses of an Uninterruptible Power Supply

Uninterruptible power supplies are deployed for use in a wide number of industries where a drop in power supply is not an option.

Manufacturing and production lines require power around the clock to ensure machinery can keep operating. Industrial UPS can be used at plants and factories to ensure normal operations can continue to take place with little-to-no interruption in the event of a power outage.

UPSs are also vital in the medical sector, where lab facilities cannot afford power outages and the effects on key devices used in patient care, including life support systems, could be life threatening.

In the modern world, Datacentres need consistent power as a power outage can lead to system malfunctions and could mean security risks. Telecommunications & Computer Systems are crucial, and they are heavily reliant on continuous power supply, so UPS plays a key role in their operation, keeping servers running and computers switched on.

Any organisation that needs a constant flow of high-quality electricity to keep the lights on, IT systems and electrical equipment operational, would rely on a UPS to prevent the severe consequences that can be caused by a blackout. The list of applications that UPS can be used in goes on, and examples can be found in almost any industry you can think of.

Three types of UPS systems


The simplest and most affordable UPS system is Standby, or offline. Standby UPS power supply is generally used for basic electronic equipment such as consumer electronics and security systems, ideal for use in a small office or at home and provides a power supply of up to 3kVA.

Standby UPS systems make use of stored battery backup power during an outage, or when the voltage levels dip or surge. Considered an entry-level UPS, standby systems will protect you and your equipment giving you that imperative battery backup.

Line-interactive UPS

Line-interactive UPSs protect you both on and offline. This type of uninterruptible power supply can correct power without switching to battery-based reserves.  A Line-interactive UPS contains an auto transformer that regulates any over or under voltage. It can be used for consumer electronics, network equipment and entry-level servers.

This type of UPS is interactive as it automatically selects different power taps on the auto transformer and can maximise any limited battery backup reserves by correcting any power fluctuations and managing current levels in an outage or power surge.

On-Line Uninterrupted Power Supply

Online UPS are generally more expensive due to the equipment involved but offer a premium solution for critical electrical equipment and acts as an ‘electrical firewall’. It not only can protect you against a power outage but regulates the level of power delivered to your equipment.

uninterruptible power supply

Online uninterrupted power supplies provide consistent power converting AC power to DC, and then back to AC with zero transfer time using double conversion UPS system technology. It is ideal for the protection of essential IT and server equipment, data centres, telecoms systems and top-end electrical equipment. If a power loss happens to take place, the batteries, which are always connected to the inverter, keep the power supply consistent and cause no interruption at all.

Uninterrupted Power Supplies protect your Electrical Equipment.

UPS systems will look after you and your equipment, so when your power runs out, you can continue to operate but they also ensure you are protected against;

UPS systems will ensure that if there is a power outage, you are protected against:

  • Power Failure. A UPS can ensure there is constant power to your all-important electrical equipment so it can continue to run preventing any downtime or data loss for anywhere up to 2 hours.
  • Under Voltage. Uninterrupted power supplies ensure that your IT systems or electronic devices continue to receive the correct amount of voltage, and IT hardware remains switched on even when the power supplied from the mains is insufficient.
  • Power Surges. Prevent electrical equipment from any damage during power surges caused by high voltage levels, which then suddenly drop off.
  • Lightning or Power Supply Malfunction. Lightning and supply malfunctions can cause energy bursts and a spike in voltage, which can cause the overheating of your equipment; something that a UPS can prevent.

UPS Maintenance Contracts & Servicing

It is essential to maintain uninterrupted power supplies on a regular basis, as the core components can deteriorate with age. At Shenton Group we review organisations’ power demands and design backup power solutions suited to your unique needs.

The key part of a UPS is the batteries. However, they are consumable components as are other parts such as cooling fans, which can also suffer from wear and tear, so a regular health check is vital to prevent you from ever becoming unstuck at a time when you most need an uninterrupted power supply.

Shenton Group offers a range of UPS Maintenance plans based on your individual requirements so that your equipment can remain in shipshape. Speak to us about an uninterruptible power supply today.

Find out more about our uninterruptible power supply maintenance plans or visit our blog for more information about our UPS Systems and the importance of maintenance.

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Electricity Consumption Statistics for 2022, and a Forecast of the Electricity Market for 2023


2022 has been a turbulent year for energy. According to a report by IEA, in the first half of 2022 gas prices in Europe increased fourfold and coal more than threefold from the same period in 2021. This resulted in wholesale electricity prices more than tripling in many markets, including the UK electricity market which sources its electricity supply from large coal and gas power stations. The following blog will detail the electricity consumption statistics for the first two quarters of 2022, breaking it down by sector. We will also detail a predicted forecast of the electricity market in 2023.

2022 Electricity Consumption Statistics

The electricity consumption data below is from a report looking at UK April to June 2022 energy consumption, provided by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

Domestic Electricity Consumption

The consumption of electricity from the domestic sector decreased substantially in Quarter 2 of 2022, decreased from 15.8 per cent to 21.7 TWh, the lowest value since Quarter 3 in 2019. This decrease reflects the ease of COVID-19 restrictions in place during the same months in 2021, which meant that people spent less time at home and were comparatively using less electricity. 2022 also saw warmer temperatures in April and May, which reduced the electricity demand for heating. This decrease in 2022 may also reflect customers’ efforts to reduce consumption because of the soaring electricity prices.

Non-Domestic Electricity Consumption

Both non-domestic sectors saw a slight increase in consumption levels in Quarter 2 2022 compared to the same period in 2021. The lifting of COVID-19 restrictions meant that businesses and industries could return to normal operations during this period, however the increase in demand was partially offset by the warmer than average temperatures.

The industrial sector consumed 0.8 percent more electricity compared to Quarter 2 2021 and comparably, the consumption by the other final users, including the commercial sector, increased by 0.6 per cent in Quarter 2 2022 compared to the same 2021 period.

Total Electricity Consumption

The total consumption seen by Quarter 2 of 2022 increased by 8.2 percent compared to the same period in 2021, in contrast to a 5.5 percent decrease in total demand. This resulted from the UK becoming a net exporter of electricity in Quarter 2, with net exports of 4.0 TWh.

Electricity power box with rain and electricity warning label

What does all this mean?

In 2022, the UK saw rising costs of energy combined with warmer-than-average temperatures, resulting in a decrease in domestic energy consumption. On the other hand, the UK saw business re-open fully after COVID-19 in 2022, which alongside the UK becoming a net exporter of electricity, resulted in an increase of total energy consumption.

This overall increase in consumption is one reason why regions across the UK have been warned about potential blackouts or power cuts in the 2022/23 winter season, as the National Grid may struggle to meet energy demands.  

Electricity Market Forecast for 2023

With the ongoing conflict with Russia and Ukraine, Europe is preparing to reduce its reliance on Russian fossil fuel imports by hastening its clean energy transition heading into the new year. The continued energy price crisis is fuelling debate on wholesale electricity market design, while governments are trying to cushion high electricity prices with diverse support schemes.

The Economist Intelligence Unit or EIU have predicted in their Energy Outlook 2023 report that global energy consumption will increase by only 1.3% in 2023 amid a slowing economy. Despite decarbonisation targets, coal consumption could grow marginally to compensate for gaps in gas supplies, and more extreme weather events could force many countries to fall back on fossil fuels, delaying the energy transition.

However, EIU also predicted that renewable energy consumption will surge by about 11% and the energy crisis will prompt some governments to backtrack on efforts to phase out the use of nuclear power.

There are large uncertainties about electricity in 2023. The International Energy Agency’s report detail that the main uncertainties affecting this forecast for electricity demand are primarily related to fossil fuel prices and potential economic growth. As of mid-2022, the global electricity demand growth in 2023 is expected to remain on a similar direction as this year. Strong renewable energy growth of 8% and recovering nuclear generation could also displace some gas and coal power, resulting in the electricity sector’s CO2 emissions declining by around 1%.


With the National Grid’s warning about potential power cuts this winter, many homes and businesses are worried about losing power, as well as the financial impact of rising gas and electricity prices heading into the new year. The recent cold snap this month has already started to test the UK’s efforts to prevent winter power cuts, and many are looking for ways to cut energy costs. The National Grid are providing an Off Peak Energy rebate Scheme from November to March to help prevent power outages and ensure energy sustainability while helping homes and businesses save money.

Your business shouldn’t be left in the dark this winter! We have provided reliable backup power solutions to a variety of sectors across the UK. Shenton Group designs, supplies, installs and maintains reliable backup power solutions, and offers 360 degree support.

To ensure your business operations remain unaffected by electrical outages, get in touch with the UK’s leading technical experts today for peace-of-mind through even the chilliest months ahead.

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Save Money on Energy Bills: Off Peak Energy Rebate Scheme from National Grid

Back in October, the National Grid warned that businesses and households in the UK could experience three-hour power cuts this winter due to the energy crisis and gas shortages. These strategic cuts would be an ‘unlikely’ scenario but would be carried out at peak times in the morning, or more likely between 4pm and 9pm in an effort to reduce the total energy consumption by around 5%.

In response to this, the National Grid launched a new off peak energy rebate scheme, Demand Flexibility Scheme, at the start of this month in response to the risk of blackouts this winter and the energy crisis. This scheme can help reduce energy consumption over peak times when the demand for energy is high, but how does it work and how much money could eligible homes and businesses save on bills if they sign up?

How Does the Demand Flexibility Scheme Work? 

This scheme is set to run from November to March 2023 and works by predicting when there will be a shortfall of energy. Participating energy suppliers will get 24 hours’ notice of a predicted shortfall and will then ask customers to curb their energy use at a certain time.

One way to lower your energy consumption is to avoid using appliances and products that use a lot of power, for example running dishwashers and tumble dryers earlier or later in the day or if you have an electric car, charging it outside the peak times.

Electric car plugged in and being charged off peak

You won’t need to switch off your heating or lighting and you can still use your oven to cook food but reducing your overall energy use wherever possible will help save power and will shave money off your bills in the long run.

Who is Eligible for the Scheme?

Currently, this scheme is being rolled out and implemented by energy suppliers and will be monitored using a smart meter, so only customers with smart meters will be able to take part in the scheme. Find out more about the suppliers that are known to be running the scheme and how much you could save on bills below.

British Gas

More than 3.5 million of its customers should be qualified, but the firm hasn’t provided any information on how to apply or how much you could be eligible to receive back. Please keep a watch on your emails and the British Gas website as registration should be up soon.

Ovo Energy

Ovo Energy, which is running its own trial version of the scheme, said that a typical household uses a fifth of their daily energy between 4pm and 7pm and customers could make a saving of up to £100 if they signed up to use energy at greener times of the day. Sadly, this version of the scheme isn’t a part of the Demand Flexibility Scheme and only 5,000 OVO customers will be able to participate in the trial. Those able to sign up will be informed by the company.

Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

According to the business, all Octopus smart meter users (about 1.4 million consumers) are eligible and can earn up to £100 in total by saving £4 per kWh compared to their average usage. Users are able to .

Both E. On and EDF haven’t announced details of their schemes yet but have said they will run them. If you are interested in learning more about the scheme and your eligibility, it is best to check with your energy provider and their website for further updates.

Preparing for Potential Blackouts

The National Grid anticipates that this plan will prevent the need for blackout warnings this winter by reducing demand by around two gigawatts, or enough to power about 600,000 homes. However, blackouts could still be a possibility.

If you are worried about power outages affecting your business this winter, we can help. At the Shenton Group, we provide a complete generator rental service to commercial clients. Renting a diesel backup generator is a fantastic choice to explore if your organisation needs to maintain crucial operations, but don’t wait until the last minute. Read our guide on generator rental for your business here.

Speak to the UK’s Leading Technical Experts right away to hire a backup generator or to learn how to safeguard your company from power disruptions this winter.

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Growing Team Supporting The UK’s Power Demands

Shenton Group has been designing, supplying, installing and maintaining reliable power solutions to a variety of sectors for the last 40 years. Supporting organisations across the UK, such as H&M, the NHS and Royal Airforce, with backup power solutions that they can depend on in a power outage.

The increased vulnerability of the grid has put more pressure on businesses to have power continuity plans in place to ensure operations can continue throughout these power cuts. The energy crisis has also added further pressure on organisations to review their power supplies leading to increased demand.

Our priority is to provide a first-class service to our clients, so if you have the drive and passion ‘to provide the most trusted energy solutions in an unpredictable world’, get in touch. Shenton Group is recruiting!

Growing Team

To support Shenton Group’s growing team, we have recently expanded the board and employed a new Finance Director and HR Director!

Finance Director Shenton Group

Craig Lewendon – Finance Director

A qualified chartered accountant with 20+ years of experience in finance. Craig has worked across various industries, including Education, Security, IT Services and BMS Systems, and brings the knowledge and expertise to drive better finance governance and control across the business.

HR Director Shenton Group

Tara Lawson – HR Director

With 20 years + of HR background in both Ftse 100 companies and scaling businesses, Tara has a passion for developing commercial success through engaged employees and excellent people practices. Her experience with premium brands lends itself well to Shenton Group’s focus on quality, technical expertise and customer experience. 

The addition of these two new members and the skills and experience that they both bring further complements senior leadership and the company’s development opportunities.

Shenton Group is Recruiting

To ensure we provide the best possible service to our clients, we start by creating a company culture that will attract high-calibre individuals. As an employer, Shenton Group has been described as a corporate company with family values. Our goal is to offer a supportive and enriching environment that allows our employees to thrive! But dont take our word for it… hear what our newest employees have to say:

Isla Meek

Isla joined us straight from college and works as a Service Sales Support, assisting our generator and UPS department with setting up service contracts and winning new business. Isla was attracted to Shenton Group ‘s ‘company culture and values’ and has worked for the company for two and a half months now. 

We asked Isla how she has found working at Shenton Group so far.

 “Awesome, I feel very welcomed; it’s like a second family where everyone supports each other.” 

Mark Taylor

Mark joined Shenton Group 2 months ago as a Project Manager for Generator installations and has worked in the industry for over 30 years. 

Does Shenton Group stand out in any way compared to your other employers?

“It’s definitely a more welcoming company and seems to be a very pleasant employee-orientated company.

I love the independence of working remotely, yet having the back up of a company like Shenton”

Support the Nation’s Backup Power Requirments 

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to delivering high-quality, reliable power solutions that help keep businesses running smoothly through even the most unpredictable of power outages. Whether you’re looking for generator maintenance, installation, or repair services, our team is here to help.

Got what it takes?

If you have drive, passion and a sense of humour and are looking to take the next step in your career, Shenton Group could be the place for you. 

Please email your CV and cover letter to [email protected]

Together we are delivering the very best power solutions nationwide.

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Three-Hour Power Cuts Possible This Winter says National Grid

The National Grid has warned households and businesses in the UK about the potential three-hour power cuts that could start this Winter due to the energy crisis and gas shortages. But what does this mean for homes and businesses and how can you plan for no power?

The National Grid has warned that British households and businesses could potentially lose power for up to three hours at a time this winter if gas supplies run extremely low.

These cuts are an ‘unlikely’ scenario, but National Grid has added that supply interruptions are a possibility if the energy crisis escalates. This plan would involve cutting off power throughout the country in an effort to reduce the total consumption by 5%. 

Any cuts would occur at peak times, either in the morning or more likely between 4pm and 9pm, though customers would be warned beforehand, should a power cut need to be implemented.

The power outages are expected to be rotated so that not all sections of the country are affected at the same time. However, National Grid expects homes and businesses will face no problems as a ‘base case’.

Three Possible Scenarios this Winter

The National Grid’s primary belief remains that there will be enough energy to provide Britain with electricity levels comparable to recent winters. However, it has highlighted two more concerning possibilities which could occur.

In the first case, the European energy crisis would prevent Britain from importing electricity from France, Belgium, or the Netherlands. However, power will continue to flow from Norway.

The National Grid cautioned that, without any action, this situation could lead to electricity shortages. They did, however, state that they had reached agreements with three power firms – EDF, Drax, and Uniper – to keep additional coal-fired power generators on standby in case they were required.

What Does This Mean for Homes and Businesses?

Whilst these power cuts are only a possibility for now, the National Grid will introduce a system on November 1st that will incentivise businesses and the public to limit their electricity consumption at critical peak times during the day.

Households with smart meters could be paid to reduce their usage. For example, by not using their washing machine or oven early in the evening, households could receive up to £10 per day.

Larger enterprises could be compensated for reducing demand, such as altering their energy use periods or switching to batteries or generators during peak times.

The National Grid believe that with these procedures in place, supply disruptions will be averted. However, they stated that they had created a second, more extreme scenario in which Europe’s energy crisis worsens, resulting in a lack of gas in the UK.

In such cases, distributors would be required to switch off energy to homes and businesses for up to three hours during the day, according to the report. The legislation, which has not been used since the 1970s, would require the agreement of both the administration and the King.

“In the unlikely event we were in this situation, it would mean that some customers could be without power for pre-defined periods during a day – generally this is assumed to be for three-hour blocks,” said National Grid.

The number of people without power will be determined by how many power stations are forced to close due to a gas shortage, according to the report.

The cuts would not affect hospitals or ‘priority businesses’. The Energy Networks Association, on the other hand, stated that vulnerable individuals would not necessarily be safeguarded.

National Grid stated that the industry would collaborate with the government to educate the public about such measures, including through Covid-style press briefings.

Prepare your Business for Power Cuts

At Shenton Group, we provide commercial clients with an array of backup power solutions, from permanent on-site generators to temporary solutions such as generator rental. If you are concerned about how the potential mains outages could affect your key operating times, get in touch to discuss your backup power options.

If you would like more information on how to prepare your business for power outages, you can also visit our news post on Winter Power Outages: Rent a Generator in Advance!

Speak to the UK’s Leading Technical Experts today to rent a generator or discuss how you can protect your business from power disruptions this winter!

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Winter Power Outages: Rent a Generator in Advance!

As the weather gets colder and the days get shorter, the demand for electricity increases. This can put a strain on the national grid, which can lead to power outages. That’s why it’s essential to have a backup power solution in place to protect your business. A backup generator is an alternative option to mains power for keeping your lights on and your appliances running even when the power goes out.

In February this year, the UK was hit by Storm Eunice. The storm caused widespread damage and power outages, resulting in a surge in enquiries for diesel generators across the country. Rental companies could not keep up with the demand, leaving many people stranded without power. With the predicted bad winter, we urge people to get in contact sooner rather than later to discuss power continuity plans.

2022 Power Crisis

We have seen an influx in generator enquiries due to the current power crisis. With power bills at an all-time high, people are looking at alternative power generation. With the vulnerability of the power market and rising energy costs, a potential option could be to rent a generator before investing in a permanent onsite generator. Your energy consumption and varying fuel prices play a part in whether it will be more cost-effective to obtain your power via a generator or the National Grid. Trialling a rental generator will be a safer option for the foreseeable future.

Electricity Pylon

What to Look for When Renting a Generator

When renting a generator, there are a few things you should take into consideration to ensure you get the best possible service. Here are three things to look for:

Shenton Group Rental Generators

1. A company that offers a wide range of generator sizes.
This way, you can be sure to find the right rental generator for your needs.

2. A generator rental company with experience.
This way, you can be confident that they will be able to advise you on the best generator for your specific temporary power requirements.

3. A generator rental company that offers a comprehensive service.
This means that they will deliver and set up the generator for you, so you don’t have to worry about anything.

By keeping these three things in mind, you can be sure to find the best generator rental company for your needs.

Generator Rental for Businesses

A power cut can be a major inconvenience. But for businesses, a power outage can mean lost revenue and productivity. That’s why it’s important to have a plan in place for how to deal with a power outage. Rental Generators can provide you with the power you need to keep your business running.

What Size Generator Do I Need?

The size of the generator is important, as you don’t want to end up with a generator that is too small and won’t be able to power all of your appliances or one that is too big and will be too expensive to run.

Shenton Group Generator Rental

Below are some of the questions to consider to size your generator correctly:

  • Are you currently running off of a 3phase or 1phase supply?
  • What is the size of your mains incomer?
  • What is your power usage?
  • What do you want the generator to power/support?

Generator Rental Considerations

  • The run time required of the generator
  • Do you have a fuel management/ strategy in place?
  • Where do you intend to locate the generator?

You will also need to rent cables, accessories and spill kits; these elements typically form part of the generator rental package. There are many things to consider, so it is vital that you speak to a reputable generator company that can offer the support that you need.

Disaster Recovery Planning For Businesses

A generator is a key element of any disaster recovery plan. Generator rental can provide your business with the backup power it needs to keep operations running in the event of an outage.

Creating a resilient strategy starts with understanding the risks your business faces. Once you have identified the potential hazards, you can begin to develop a plan that outlines how your business will continue to operate in the event of a disruption.

Your disaster recovery plan should be tailored to your specific business needs and take into account the type of hazards you are likely to face. For example, if your business is located in an area that is prone to severe weather events, you will need to consider how you will maintain power during an outage.

Download your FREE whitepaper to plan a resilient disaster recovery strategy, including a business continuity plan to get you started.

Shenton Group’s Comprehensive Generator Rental Service

Shenton Group has been working in the generator industry for over 40 years supporting commercial clients and offers a comprehensive generator rental service, which includes delivery, installation and maintenance.

Our rental packages are bespoke, and we will investigate the best solution for your needs, removing the guesswork. Even if you are unsure of what you need, and how and where you can install it, our technical experts can advise you from start to finish ensuring you get the correct support for your requirements, and providing complete peace of mind.

Storm Shenton Group

Protect Yourself Against Power Outages

Shenton Group offers a complete generator rental service to commercial clients. So if you’re an organisation that needs to keep critical operations running, renting a diesel generator is a good option to consider, but don’t leave it till the last minute.

To rent a generator or to discuss how you can protect your business from power outages this winter, speak to the UK’s Leading Technical Experts today!

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Shenton Group is Recruiting!

Over the past 24 months, Shenton Group has been heavily recruiting sales, operations, and engineering staff across the UK to meet the increasing demands in the power industry. It was just last week that we welcomed four new engineers to the team.

Stuart, one of our new Generator Rental Engineers, said;

“I was surprised by the amount of thought and care that had been put into our onboarding. We were made to feel very welcome and was introduced to everyone in the office and given a tour of the facilities. We were all given new phones, laptops, branded merchandise and even a bottle of wine; every detail had been thought of.”

Dedicated Team

Shenton Group Long Service Board

In the kitchen sits our long service board, which celebrates our employees’ hard work and dedication. Photos hang pegged on a clothesline like display, gathered in five, ten and fifteen-year milestones, all the way up to thirty years plus! 

“I really feel the family vibe here, and that employees are valued. It feels like a great place to work”. “I can see myself working here for a long time too!” – Luke, newly recruited CHP Engineer.

Roland Taylor, one of our Technical Support Engineers, has been with the company for over 31 years! He was one of the original team that started with Richard Meek, our founder. As a result, Roland has experienced first-hand the company going from strength to strength. 

“It has been rewarding to see the company grow. I remember when we worked on small scale 3kw generators out the back of a cow shed down in Orchid Hill, Andover. There was only about 6 of us then, and now there is nearly 100! I love what I do and have done for the last 30 years!”

Shenton Group Technical Team Recruits

Shenton Group’s in house tech team has expanded. We are pleased to welcome Andrew, a fully qualified Mechanical Engineer with nearly eight years of industry experience. Andrew has hit the ground running and is producing technical designs to client’s specifications.

“I enjoy problem-solving, and every project’s requirements are different. I have been really welcomed into the team. It is a nice place to be.”

Delivering the very best power solutions to the nation carries tremendous responsibility, technical challenges, and great variety. Therefore, we are always on the lookout for high calibre personnel. The work that we do is niche and highly specialist. Below is a list of roles that we are on the lookout for:

Shenton Group Company Culture
  • Generator service engineers
  • Generator installation engineers
  • Generator commissioning engineers
  • Generator controls engineers
  • UPS service engineers
  • UPS installation engineers
  • UPS commissioning engineers
  • CHP service engineers
  • CHP installation engineers
  • CHP commissioning engineers
  • CHP controls engineers
  • Electricians
  • Gas engineers
  • Project managers
  • Estimators

Join Us

Shenton Group is a corporate business with people at heart. We work hard to build a culture where our employees feel happy and supported. Would you like to join the Shenon Group family? To view a full list of our current vacancies and job perks, please visit our careers page.

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Shenton Group 40 Years in Business

2022 marks our 40th year in business! But how did we ­get to where we are today? Well, on the 29th of April 1954 in Andover, Richard Meek (circled) was born. Just an ordinary chap, who did everyday things and lived a normal life, at the height of 5ft 8.5 inches.

At 24 years old Richard got married and began to work for his father-in-law who was in the catering trade, servicing pubs, restaurants and hotels. It was here that Richard first got into the world of sales, and his entrepreneurial spirit started to bloom!

By 1982 Richard and Melanie had two children. Knowing that there were going to be more mouths to feed, Richard decided it was time to go it alone and started his own business. Having always had a fascination with heat and power, Richard saw the opportunity to sell gas bottles to pubs, restaurants and B&Bs; so Outback Energy was born from this idea. Richard didn’t want to stop there, he had bigger plans to hatch! He wanted to provide alternative power to those who needed it, and his fascination for engines prompted him to go into the generator market.

Richard and Melanie believed in the business, and knowing that it could be their children’s future, they invested their last £1000 into the Company. Over the years, with hard work and a dedicated team, they have made what was one man’s vision into a sustainable and robust business.              

We are forever grateful to Richard for giving his four children and all of the staff the chance to create their own history, in what we now know as Shenton Group.

Click here to view our company timeline from 1982, the birth of Outback Power and beyond!

The blog header image was taken in 1995. Richard Meek is circled standing amongst his valued colleagues, two of which still work at Shenton Group to this day. Now if that isn’t dedication, I don’t know what is!

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Shenton Group Fundraising 2021

Every year Shenton Group run fundraising activities to raise money for four charitable causes. As a company with a vested interest in our community, we always look to support local. 

Supporting children whose parents have died whilst serving in the armed forces

Scotty's little soldiers logo

Quarter 1 of 2021 saw us fundraising for; Scotty’s Little Soldiers, a charity supporting children whose parents have died whilst serving in the armed forces. With our head office in Andover Hampshire, not far from Tidworth army camps, this charity is close to a lot of our hearts. Julie, one of our Project Manager Assistants, an army wife and on the board for this charity, headed up the fundraising activities. She has raised a considerable amount of money over the years and, in turn, has supported thousands of children. 

Donating to the local Foodbank

Quarter 2 saw us collecting non-perishable food, personal hygiene products and essential household items for the Andover Foodbank. Kirsty, one of our Maintenance Coordinators, was in charge of fundraising and collections. The Foodbank divides essential food and healthcare items into boxes consisting of three days of nutritionally balanced, non-perishable foods. These boxes are then distributed to local people who have been referred to the Foodbank in crisis. 

We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. So we are working to combat poverty and hunger. – Food Bank.

Shenton employees bake cakes in aid of Jazzie Fest 

Shenton charity Bake sale

In quarter 3 we fundraised for Jazzie Fest! A charity formed to support young people with disabilities moving into higher education and becoming more independent. Jasmine is an 18-year-old who has various disabilities, including Rett syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that affects brain development, resulting in severe mental and physical disability.

Jasmine is in her last year at a local special needs school. Currently, there are no higher education facilities in Andover to attend to meet her needs. The charity has been in touch with the local council and Andover college, and plans have been agreed to run a life skills course to aid young school leavers such as Jasmine to learn valuable independent living skills. Funding is the biggest stumbling block as the college facilities need to be converted into a safe environment and be sufficiently equipped. 

The bake sale competition at Shenton Group was a hit and helped raise much-needed funds for the charity. A big thank you to Olivia, one of our Maintenance Coordinators for her support fundraising.

Shenton supports Yellow Brick Road, a charity that supports young people with trauma

For the fourth and final quarter, Shenton Group is raising money for Yellow Brick Road. The charity works with young people, building support networks, helping to build resilience and reduce feelings of loneliness. Yellow Brick Road helps people learn life skills – money, home, relationships, health and wellbeing and offer accredited learning programmes.

Issy, our Executive Assistant, is leading fundraising, and she has arranged everything from boot sales to pumpkin carving competitions. There is even a ‘Shenton Has Talent Show’. Watch this space! There are plenty more fundraising activities to come! 

If you know of a Hampshire based charity that you would like us to support, get in touch, we would love to hear from you. To see other charities that we have fundraised for in the past, visit our charitable giving page.

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