We are shentongroup – A team of dedicated and passionate professionals, who together are the UK’s Leading Technical Experts in Standby Power, Uninterruptible Power Supplies and Combined Heat and Power Systems.

20170110_101648With a busy new year upon us, we’re elated to welcome a new starter who will undoubtedly help to further propel the shentongroup name. Welcome aboard Terry Catlin. Having amassed some 25 years of experience in the generator industry, Terry hopes to impart some of his acquired knowledge to assist shentongroup in moving forwards into larger, more contractually-minded projects.

On his new position Terry announced: “I am very pleased to have joined the shentongroup team. In only one week, I can see how close and welcoming everyone is as a workforce”. Terry added: “Once people get to know me, I hope people will see I am an honest, approachable and likeable person”. 

Great to have you on the team Terry! Now let’s assert exactly why we’re THE go-to force in standby power in 2017.  For more information on continuous power solutions, click here to speak to a shentongroup expert now.

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